Friday, January 13, 2006

Predictable Tony

Sorry to sound like a broken record, but this is my blog and I do what I want!!!!

Paul Martin is just awful. I watched him on this townhall thing with Mansbridge. First question: "why did you complain about 'drive-by smears' in the debate and then release negative attack ads the next day?" Response: "these ads aren't negative" and then he went on to be negative. Like I said, I'm not really against it, but stop saying you're not being negative when you clearly are.

Any question that asked for concrete answers got empty rhetoric. The most obvious example of this was the one about dealing with the rise of separatism. "We have to be open with Quebec and respect them blah blah blah". How concrete and decisive of you.

There were so many good lines. Like "Canada has taken the lead on Kyoto". I guess he means we are among the leaders in increasing our greenhouse emissions since Kyoto was signed. Or "I have never said I would use the notwithstanding clause". Except for two years ago when I said I'd use it to protect churches, mosques, etc from having to perform same sex marriages. Oops.

Mansbridge should have called him on that, but I thought he was pretty good. The Liberals seem to be a bit shocked that the press isn't giving them a free pass this time around. He clearly didn't accept Martin's answer about the disgraceful ad that slandered our Soldiers. With Guns. In Our Cities. With Annoying Grammar. Because we don't have day care. In Canada.

Alright, those are my thoughts on this evening's performance by PMPM. Predictable Tony. One of these days I'll surprise you.