Thursday, January 12, 2006

Attack ads

It's pretty rich of the Conservatives to complain about attack ads when they were the first to use them. But they were smart in hammering home from the outset that the Grits would go negative. With that said, I am not really against negative ads. They can work and it is important to criticize your opponents' perceived weaknesses. They can backfire though, or go too far.

Which takes us to the recent spate launched by the Liberals. They are fairly predictable and pretty bad. Typical anti-Americanism--using 'pro-American' as an insult, talking about shadowy ultra right-wing Americans, etc. I love the one about "did US right-wingers give to Harper? They have money." There was a great parody going around: "Bigfoot has money. Did he support Harper? We don't know, he's not saying." Lame.

But they completely crossed the line with the one about soldiers. With guns. In cities. In Canada. To imply that the Canadian Forces would help the Conservatives subvert democracy, or shoot Canadians or help install George Bush or Sauron or Voldemort as our leader is disgraceful. It is an insult to everyone who has ever worn the uniform. It shows nothing but contempt for those who put their lives on the line for us. What does that say to our soldiers in Afghanistan? Or those here. In our cities. In Canada. The Grits say it wasn't meant to come out, but that doesn't matter. It was made--that alone is unbelievable. They are desperate and will do or say anything to hold on to power. I really worry for this country if we re-elect these corrupt, arrogant jerks.

I think these will backfire. Canadians aren't stupid and the blowback on the military ad in the media is pretty bad.

Tomorrow I have a meeting with a lawyer to explore starting a foundation here that I can use to raise money for RUCNET. The meeting is downtown. In the city. I don't think there will be guns. In the city. I'm not making this up.