Saturday, March 18, 2006

The last of the photos

There is a huge post beneath the three photo posts. Also, I found out yesterday that Boom-Boom Geoffrion died on Saturday before the ceremony to raise his jersey. A sad day for hockey. I can't believe that the CBC didn't show the ceremony, even though he died that day and his last wish was for his wife to go to the ceremony no matter what. I guess a game between two non-playoff teams is way more important. If it had been Wendel Clark or Tie Domi or Wade Belak, HNIC would probably have had a day of mourning instead of a 20 second montage at intermission. What a joke. Hockey Night in Toronto strikes again. Rest in Peace, Boom-Boom.

Here are the photos:A croc at Mole

Kob antelope

A warthog

One of about four hundred elephant photos