Monday, February 06, 2006


It’s Saturday morning right now. Yesterday the power was out for most of the day here, so not too much happened. My next project is liaising with an NGO in Seattle to set up a program for volunteers to be sent here to work in our clinics and possibly the school.

Last night I got a text from Dave, one of the Peace Corps guys, inviting me to some Bob Marley thing in Kumasi. We never ended up going. Instead we just stayed at the office and had a few beers. And we had pancakes for breakfast. It was pretty fun—those guys are hilarious. I might go down to Accra with them tomorrow for the Super Bowl if I’m feeling up to travelling 5 hours and staying up all night. Should be a fun night, if I can stay awake. Go Seahawks!

At Queen’s, Julien told us about some guy he knew named Shith Ead. Good story, but no one ever knew if it was really true. Well now I know it is. One of the Peace Corps guys also knows someone named Shith Ead. If two people have the same story, it has to be true, right?
That’s all from me for now. I’m not sure when I’ll be able to post next if I do go to Accra, but probably no later than Tuesday.