Thursday, December 01, 2005

One of those days...

Today was one of those days. I already talked about how music videos usurped the news this morning, so the day was off to a bad start. Then I got to town and saw that the Habs are in the tank right now. So I went to the office to do some work and the power was out there. So I sat around for a while before it came back. I worked for a while and then realized I had to go to immigration to apply for a re-entry visa for Christmas.

I have already written about how unpleasant immigration is, and today was even worse. I had a letter on RUCNET letterhead stating the reason I needed the re-entry visa, as they asked when I was there a few weeks ago. I handed it to the officer (already being as friendly as your typical gulag guard), who looked it over and then told me it wasn’t good. Apparently, simply writing “To Whom It May Concern” is not good enough. It had to be addressed to Ghana Immigration Services. I explained that Dr. Addae was in Accra to no avail. So I had to go back to the office and get a new letter with ONE EXTRA LINE. And then when I went back, just to prove to me how insignificant I was, they made me wait in the office for ten minutes while they chatted about something personal. I feel like writing a swear word right now, but I’m not going to.

I think what happened was that the guy figured I was some arrogant white punk so he thought he’d take me down a peg. And I really had no option other than to simply take it. Maybe I’m being a bit melodramatic, but I was so annoyed, especially considering today seemed to be the hottest day in the history of Ghana.

So today wasn’t exactly my day. Oh well, I’ll live. Tomorrow I’m staying in Kumasi for the night so Martin and I can catch the 4 AM bus to Cape Coast. We’re going out to a good Indian restaurant, so that’ll be fun. This will most likely be my last post til Monday, so have a good weekend y’all.

PS. The government fell. Good riddance. But I have a feeling we’re just going to get more of the same mediocrity in the diseased Dominion. I really hope Paul Martin plays the Alberta card again. That would make it interesting. At least Hedy “Burning Crosses” Fry against Svend “Sticky Fingers” Robinson will be funny. I would kill (or steal a $55,000 ring) for them to both lose.