Friday, November 04, 2005

Thursday afternoon

I've seen people balancing all sorts of things on their heads here, from buckets of water to gigantic bundles of wood shavings. Today I saw a man with a chainsaw on his head. Because today was a public holiday for Eid-al-fitr (the end of Ramadan), we didn't go to the office. I was in town for a bit, but other than that, it was a slow day. Friday will be business as usual. Speaking of Eid, the entire first half of the news today was devoted to covering it and the various festivities all over the country. Tonight we were at Dr. Addae's brother's guest house where we always go when the power is out at home. It's called Bon Appetit and from now on, I'm only going to refer to it as that. Anyways, we were there and I had an interesting conversation with a guy from Mali. He was a professional soccer player and had lived all over Europe and Africa. Mali is French-speaking, but his English was perfect, so we had a good chat using both languages interchangeably. His English was better than my French. It's been a while. It was nice to talk to someone from a neighbouring country who wasn't trying to sell me something, because without fail, every man I've met from Mali or Togo or Cote D'Ivoire has tried to sell me something. They befriend you first, and walk with you for a while and try and say something about Canada, then ask you to look at (insert overpriced African souvenir here). It was nice to talk to someone not having to keep my guard up! That's all for today folks.