Thursday, October 06, 2005

Wednesday, October 5

Today was productive in some ways and unproductive in others. I went to the university printing press, after a brief meeting with people at World Vision. When I got there, the man I was supposed to meet wasn’t there. I was told to come back in two hours. So I went into town and used the internet, which was really productive. I got some good information about applying to business school for next fall and signed up for a Wharton (UPenn’s business school) information session in Accra next month. I’ve missed Harvard’s but hopefully there will be some other ones. The schools I’m most interested in are Stanford, Northwestern, Harvard and Wharton.

I then went back to the printing press. And the guy wasn’t there. He’d been called into Kumasi. I spoke with him over the phone and we’ll try again tomorrow, but I am also supposed to go see the drilling rig in action. But like I said yesterday, tomorrow could easily mean next week! All was not lost however. I did buy Anchorman on DVD for about two bucks.

I’ll close with these two things. The first is that tonight is opening night in the NHL. Predictions are risky, and writing them down is even moreso, but I’ll say that the Habs will make the playoffs. This is the best team they’ve had (on paper) in a long time. And Kovalev is probably the most talented player they’ve had since Guy Lafleur. Their top line on opening night last season was Yanic Perreault, Donald Audette and Jan Bulis. Kovalev, Koivu and Zednik is a slight improvement. The second this is this—Bob Seger is awesome.

*** Update *** Habs 3, Bruins 2. Great start! I hate Boston.