Thursday, October 27, 2005

Tuesday, October 25

We had a meeting with the regional director of World Vision this morning. They are a top-notch organization. RUCNET established several ‘satellite’ clinics in rural areas that are visited by doctors and staffed by trained locals, but they were unsustainable because people didn’t have money to pay for the services. Now, with the establishment of the national health insurance scheme, we are hoping to get them going again, with World Vision’s help. Unfortunately, they are in the middle of an audit right now so the project is on hold til at least December. Life in Ghana!

The office was stifling, so I don’t feel like I got too much done today, even though we actually did. I put together a monitoring system for our water delivery program and we started a report/fundraising proposal. Because of the heat, things seem to move slowly during the afternoon, so I guess that’s why it seems like not much got done.

When we got home, the tanker had delivered water to our tank so we’d have running water. The only problem was that we didn’t know he was coming and a tap had been left open. So the tank emptied onto our floor. Fortunately, the floor is slanted away from my room and most important parts of the house. We spent a good hour mopping up and running water will have to wait another while!

Finally, I managed to check this site. I usually go to the same internet cafe and for some reason it doesn’t show the updates I put up, but I was at a different one this afternoon. I saw that the formatting is screwed up for some posts. Those ones were emailed to the website from Hotmail, while the normal ones were posted directly. I’m going to avoid emailing them from now on, even though it takes longer to post them directly. Hotmail and Ghana don’t seem to mix very well. I am going to look into a GMail account over Christmas.

Finally, speaking of emails, I’ve gotten so many in the past few days and I’m behind on replies. So if you’ve sent me something and I have responded yet, I’m backed up! I’ll try to finish responding by the end of the week.