Sunday, September 25, 2005

Thursday, September 22

Today we went into town, which was good, and then we went to deliver two 2000 gallon water tanks to an area without running water. And this area was just outside of the road that rings Kumasi. It essentially is part of Kumasi. To put that into perspective, it would be like North York (or North Van) not having running water. Because NGOs tend to focus on rural areas, these urban areas often get overlooked, which is terrible considering how many people live there. We’re talking tens of thousands of people without running water. So RUCNET installs these tanks and a tanker fills them twice a day and people can take what they need. It’s the honour system. And we all know how well that works. But it’s the only viable option. RUCNET is the only NGO who does this, although there are some private companies who do it as well. The government has enough problems, so they don’t address this. Another eye-opener.

Today had its frustrating moments, mostly in a technological sense. I already posted about my internet problems, so I won’t go into it again, except to say that it is a real pain to have eight emails and three days of posting saved to disk and then not being able to send it all. I feel so pent-up. Hopefully I’ll get this up by Sunday.

On a completely unrelated note, I just heard Simon and Garfunkel’s “At the Zoo” for the first time. What a hilarious song. “Elephants are kindly, but they’re dumb…zebras are reactionary.” How do you come up with lyrics like that? That’s all for now.