The home stretch
But I’ll try my best to put up a few more posts, at least before my parents get here on Saturday. After that, I don’t think I’ll post until I get home on June 15. So I might as well tell you what we’ll be doing. First, we’re going to a place called Busua for three days. It’s on the coast and is supposedly beautiful: white sand beaches and all that. Then we’ll spend a few days in Kumasi, looking at our projects and the various sights here. From there, it’s on to Mole National Park for two nights. It’s a hell of a trek to get up there but when else are my parents going to be able to do a safari? And then one last night in Kumasi (the night of Ghana’s opening match in the World Cup), one night in Accra and then homeward bound.
Work is going well and I think RUCNET is about to make a good leap forward. We’re taking on a consultant and plan on expanding the health care project. The model is one that can be used anywhere in the country and it involves the community in a meaningful way, giving them a stake in their own health care. Things take so long to happen here, but we are definitely moving in the right direction.
At some point this week we are having a ceremony to distribute school uniforms and supplies to needy children and apparently, I’m supposed to make a speech. I’ll let you know how that goes.
And finally, I couldn’t let an important event go un-remarked upon. On Friday I went to the immigration office for the last time ever. It was anti-climactic, although I guess it would have been pretty tough to top the BS of the last trip. I felt like asking the jerk officer if he was happy that he’d never have to see me again, but I decided not to push my luck.
‘Til next time.